Wills, Trusts, & Estate Planning

Estate planning is an important part of preparing for the future. Your estate plan will affect what will happen to your property upon your death, tax consequences at both the federal and state level, as well as important personal issues such as who would serve as guardian of your minor children in your absence. It is also important during your lifetime: Who would make decisions for you in the event you become incapacitated?

wills, trusts, & estate planning

Estate Plans

At Walker Heye, PLLC, our approach to estate planning is to keep things as simple as possible while achieving your goals and meeting your needs. We believe that you should be able to understand your estate plan. Our experienced estate lawyers will work with your accountant, insurance agent, investment advisors, and other financial professionals to help you create a comprehensive estate plan.

Our Experience Includes:

  • Wills

  • Both Living Trusts & Testamentary Trusts

  • Powers of Attorney

  • Living Wills/Directives to Physicians

  • Gifting & Tax Planning

  • Special Needs Trusts

The starting point for estate planning is getting to know you and your goals. Individual circumstances—both personal and financial—need to be considered in recommending an estate plan for you. One size does not fit all. You can trust our estate planning attorneys will get to know you and will make the right recommendations based on the specific needs of you and your family.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here, we provide straightforward answers to common questions about estate planning.

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